First Aid Training Courses
First aid training based in Surrey
Book in to receive your QA Level 2 or 3 Awards in First Aid. Prices shown are per person and include VAT. Discounts are available for group bookings, please contact us to discuss.
QA Level 3 Award First Aid at Work (3 Day)
Did you know that an estimated 555,000 workers in Britain sustained an injury at work in 2017/18? The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 require all employers to make arrangements to ensure their employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill at work. This includes carrying out a risk assessment, appointing a suitable amount of first aiders and providing appropriate first aid training. However, having the correct first aid provision in the workplace is not just a legal requirement, it is incredibly important for the safety of all members of staff! The QA Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work (RQF) qualification is specifically designed for individuals who wish to act as a first aider in their workplace. Successful candidates will learn how to manage a range of injuries and illnesses that could occur at work and will be equipped with the essential skills needed to give emergency first aid. What’s more, as a regulated qualification, employers can book this course for their employees and rest assured that they have fulfilled their legal responsibilities for providing quality first aid training, without having to undertake any lengthy due diligence checks. -
QA Level 3 Award First Aid at Work annual refresher (1/2 Day)
Did you know that the HSE guidelines state that employers should ensure their first aiders remain competent to perform their role? As such, it is strongly recommended that first aiders undertake annual refresher training to practise their skills and update their knowledge on the latest first aid procedures. The QA Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work (Annual Refresher) (RQF) qualification is specifically designed to allow qualified first aiders to update their first aid skills yearly, until requalification training is required. Successful candidates will leave with a renewed confidence, having had the opportunity to practise essential first aid procedures, as well as learn the latest techniques needed to deal with an emergency situation. With all subjects covered in just 3 hours, this course is an ideal way to satisfy HSE requirements whilst minimising disruption to your organisation’s day to day activities! -
QA Level 3 Award Emergency First Aid at Work (1 Day)
Did you know that an estimated 555,000 workers in Britain sustained an injury at work in 2017/18? The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 require all employers to make arrangements to ensure their employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill at work. This includes carrying out a risk assessment, appointing a suitable amount of first aiders and providing appropriate first aid training. However, having the correct first aid provision in the workplace is not just a legal requirement, it is incredibly important for the safety of all members of staff! The QA Level 3 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (RQF) qualification is designed for individuals who wish to act as an emergency first aider in their workplace. Upon successful completion of this qualification, candidates will be equipped with the essential skills needed to give safe, prompt and effective first aid in emergency situations. What’s more, as a regulated qualification, employers can book this course for their employees and rest assured that they have fulfilled their legal responsibilities for providing quality first aid training, without having to undertake any lengthy due diligence checks. -
QA Level 2 Award in Basic Life Support and Safe Use of an Automatic Defribrilator
Did you know that following a cardiac arrest, every minute without CPR and defibrillation reduces a casualty’s chance of survival by 10%? Sudden cardiac arrest is one of the UK’s biggest killers, and yet statistics show that most of the British public are unaware of the life-saving difference they can make by performing CPR and defibrillation. The QA Level 2 Award in Basic Life Support and Safe Use of an Automated External Defibrillator (RQF) qualification has been designed to provide candidates with the skills needed to administer safe, prompt and effective basic life support and use an AED safely in emergency situations. With an estimated 60,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests occurring every year in the UK alone, make sure you are prepared!
To enquire on the next available dates, call: 01483 740 237 or email: